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Christian greetings to my brothers and sisters in the Lord, and to all other visitors!
Before becoming a born-again, baptized Christian 25 years ago, I was in the US Air Force, as a pilot, for almost a decade. During that time, the Lord put it in my heart to turn away from “breaking things and killing people” (the self-professed mantra of the military man) to become a healer of mankind through Christ, as He wills. I am endeavoring to work this out through my current profession, as a full-time, emergency room, medical doctor, which I have been practicing now for the past 20 years.
It has been a long road traveled, but I have been greatly blessed to have been accompanied by my cherished wife, Lori, and our eight children. We have two biological and five adopted children which are a great blessing. Additionally, we had another biological son who was killed in a tractor accident approximately 9 years ago. We currently reside in Holmes County, Ohio.
“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;” 1Pe 1:13
As such, I hope to inspire you to be the best steward possible of the body and mind the Lord has given you. Additionally, I would like to show you how a person can exercise discernment within the multitude of constantly changing medical and psychological theories, practices, and fads that are out there.
In medical school, we were taught about the “bio/psycho/social” view of man. In this view, man is rightly viewed as being more complex than that of simply being a biological machine. One’s state of “whole” health is an intricate interaction of three things: his biology, state of mind, and social/physical environment. Think of someone with a chronic disease and how it affects his state of mind and his standard of living — or vice versa — how a poor standard of living or poor state of mind can lead to chronic physical health problems - or vice versa.
To the Christian, this view is incomplete. We realize that we are “bio/psycho/social/spiritual” beings. It is by the sovereign grace of God that we are not forever condemned by the iniquities of our fathers. Neither do our environments, genetics or mental predispositions deprive us of the hope in God that is set before us. (see Psa 103, Eze 18, Jer 31:29-end, 1Pe 3:9, & Rev 22:17.)
But this is also wherein lies the origin for many of the apparent conflicts between the “medical community” and the “community of believers”. According to the mindset of too many medical practitioners, a person’s “spiritual being” is a mere figment of his or her mental condition. By having this perspective, these medical professionals deny the wisdom and power of God.
Our God is supernatural and unconstrained by the laws of physics or biology. In addition to the Bible, He also gave us the tool of science with which to help us improve our physical state. So how do we navigate the complexities of life and medical dilemmas that seem to continually confront us as we go through the process of decay, while on this earth with mortal bodies?
In the next number of articles, I would like to probe deeper into the issues and conflicts in medicine that can pull Christians away from having a close walk with the Lord. Here is a sampling of the type of topics that we could take a look at, in regards to Christian ethics in light of the modern healthcare mentality: 
  • Tainted vaccines
  • Sexual abuse within our communities
  • End-of-life complexities
  • Midwifery 
  • Birth control
  • Medical marijuana

Just like having a fat bank account can tend to draw us to a life of comfort and away from God, so also can buying into the attitude that “if it feels good or seems to make sense, then it must be okay.”  A lack of discernment in how we utilize modern medicine can separate poor healthcare choices and unwise spiritual paths from their natural repercussions.  

So join me as we look into these important issues!

Wolfgang Miggiani, MD
Millersburg, Ohio, USA